Deep Heat Muscle Massage Roll-On (50ml)
- Heat therapy plus massage therapy
- Herbal fragrance
- Drug free
- Convenient, modern roll-on format
When to use
- Before Exercise, to loosen and soften muscles, so they move more easily
- Rehab soft tissue, to help realign muscle fibres and break down adhesions and scar tissue. Heat also helps affected tissue
- Everyday use, to ease and release knots in shoulders and backs so you are more comfortable
How it works
- Heat brings more blood to the muscle and with it oxygen and nutrients. When combined with massage it helps:
- Soften ‘knots’ in muscles
- Relax the muscles and soft tissue
- Which leads to the muscles being able to move and stretch more easily again
- Massage onto required area.
- On first application apply sparingly as people may experience warmth differently.
- If stronger effect is desired, reapply as necessary.
- Use as required.
- Replace cap after use.
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